I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Time Our For Women…

Every year I get together with my mom and some of my sisters and go to Time out for Women. We try to go to the one in Boise (I love having people come and visit!), but  because of conflicts with the date the past couple of years, we have missed the Boise one and have gone to Logan instead. That works out well for us though, because of the generosity of Kevin’s parents, we are able to stay with them. Now having said all of that, this past weekend was spent in Logan at Time out for Women. We had so much fun and really enjoyed the presenters. This year we did Friday night and Saturday. We weren’t sure we would stay for the whole thing on Friday (3 hours) but it ended up being so good we didn’t want to  leave.

P1020022 Cherie Call

P1020023 Cheiko Okasaki

P1020028 Michael McClean

P1020034 Mark Mabry ..He has a book of photographs “Reflections of  Christ” it is beautiful.

Saturday proved to be just as good.

P1020043 Cherie Call, Emily Watts, Mary Ellen Edmunds, Jill Manning, Brent L. Top

Thanks Cindy, Becky, Mom and Teresa for helping me have a much needed fun and uplifting weekend!


1 comment:

Randy and Teresa said...

We did have a good time, didn't we?
BTW, the ticket wasn't as much as I thought it would be.